Monday, February 23, 2015

But What About Subtraction?

Yes, I know, we've been doing a lot of addition and you're wondering when you get to practice subtracting. Well you don't have to wonder any more, today is the day!

Let's do some more skip counting. Use this 100s chart...

Start on 85. Pick a fun color and make a splat by skip counting back by 10s to the last number you can on the chart. What do you notice? How does the number in the 10s place change? How is that the same from when you skip counted up? How is it different? Now try some different numbers. Start with 42, start with 88, do you see a pattern?

Fruit is good for you, especially if it's mathy fruit! Play level 3 of Fruit Splat a few times. If you feel up to a challenge, try some higher levels! 

And finally let's do page one of these problems...

Think about when you skip counted backwards. Does that help you with these problems? How? What happens to the number in the 10s place? What happens to the number in the 1s place? 

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