Monday, April 13, 2015

and a little more addition...

Today we are going to work on double digit addition with no regrouping. (don't be too disappointed, we'll regroup later.) You've done a bunch of practice with 10s and 1s and now it's time to use all those skills. Think about your combinations of 10 and that 100s chart!

As a warm up, let's practice combinations of 10 by playing Math Lines! You shoot the ball in the middle to the ball that makes a 10. Bonus points if it's the same color! Play just 1 or 2 rounds.

Now let's practice different math facts. Knowing your facts will help you add bigger numbers. In this game you answer questions to help design costumes. Design 3 costumes and then go to the video below.

As a review, you can watch this video. It's a little long, so get a snack to munch on while you watch. His accent is fun and I like how he shows you the tens all bundled up. If you think it's too long, just watch one example a day. 

It's time to try some paper and pencil problems. Print out these pages, there are 5 of them. Each day you can come back, play the games, review the video if you need to, then complete one page. Have someone check your work.

Don't you wish you could practice a little more? 

Well you can! This part is optional, just f you feel like it. IXL has a neat little program. You can see how many you can do in 1 minute? 2 minutes? 5 minutes? What if you do 100? How many can you get correct?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Spring Forward

It's Spring! I know it doesn't feel like it, but it is! 

We are going to spring forward and start doing some addition now that we have a good understanding of place value. Remember, you can always use the 100s charts and number lines to help you out.

Fist watch this video from Kahn academy, it does a pretty good job explaining about adding tens and ones...

Then you can practice your skills by playing this game, math and puppies, what's not to love?

That's all for today, we'll add in some paper and pencil practice next time!

Friday, March 6, 2015

a TEENy break...

We've been working a lot with place value and now we are going to take a little break to review numbers in the teens.

It's a TEENy break, get it? 
I love math jokes! 

First let's watch a video with a catchy tune about teen numbers...

This is a fun game to help really get those teen numbers in your head.

Set to which ever time you'd like and see how many you can get! 

Now we'll get in some practice, here you will find some mad minutes, see how many you can do! 

Friday, February 27, 2015

What? More Subtraction?


How lucky are you???

Today we are going to use that 100s chart again to think about subtraction as skip counting backwards. Since we are working on place value, we are going to focus on 10s. 

Here you have a video with a short explanation, don't you love her accent?

Now do page 2 of the math problems from last time. 

Don't forget,  do page 2

To solve the problems also use the splat 100s chart and make a splat each time you count back by 10. Or you can print out this 100s chart and color it in the old fashioned way.

And let's finish up with a fun game subtracting 10s from 100. If the cheering is distracting, you can always mute your device. But who doesn't love people cheering for them now and then?

Monday, February 23, 2015

But What About Subtraction?

Yes, I know, we've been doing a lot of addition and you're wondering when you get to practice subtracting. Well you don't have to wonder any more, today is the day!

Let's do some more skip counting. Use this 100s chart...

Start on 85. Pick a fun color and make a splat by skip counting back by 10s to the last number you can on the chart. What do you notice? How does the number in the 10s place change? How is that the same from when you skip counted up? How is it different? Now try some different numbers. Start with 42, start with 88, do you see a pattern?

Fruit is good for you, especially if it's mathy fruit! Play level 3 of Fruit Splat a few times. If you feel up to a challenge, try some higher levels! 

And finally let's do page one of these problems...

Think about when you skip counted backwards. Does that help you with these problems? How? What happens to the number in the 10s place? What happens to the number in the 1s place? 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Wonderful Weekend!

You're back! 
I'm so glad you came!

We are going to take it easy today, you've been working hard!

Try this fun bingo game. It's pretty easy but the creatures are cute...

Then we have a quick video...

and let's do page 2 from this set of practice pages...

That's it for today. Go out and get some fresh air!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

It's time to swim!

Today we are going to warm up by swimming with the sharks...

Start with numbers up to 99. 
If you are feeling super mathy, try numbers up to 999.
 CLICK HERE to play the game. 

Ok, now let's do some coloring. Go to this cute 100s chart...

Choose the 1-100 chart. Pick a color. Start with 4 and skip count by 10s (so add 10 each time, 4, 14, 24 etc). What do you notice? Which number changes when you add 10? Why is that? Now start with some other numbers. Is the pattern the same? 

And now for some good old paper and pencil practice. When you are figuring out these problems, think about that 100s chart, are you adding tens? Is there an easy way to do that? What about the sharks, when you had to count those blocks, did you count by 10s or 1s? Can that help you with the problems?

CLICK HERE for the complete set, but just do page 1, we'll work on the rest later. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Hello & Welcome Back!

It's super cold out today, so let's warm up with this game...

Play just one round of level 1 Place Values

Ok, now that you're all toasty warm, take a look at this video about adding double digit numbers, watch carefully because you'll be doing some next. You can watch it as many times as you want. Isn't the internet great?

Feel ready to try some on your own? Print this out and give it a whirl! 

It's Friday and you've earned a break! Check back on Monday for more mathy fun (yes, that is a thing). If you really can't wait until then, practice some multiplication facts with the fun games on the right ------->

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Hello Third Grade Mathematicians!

Today we are going to practice place value with a fun game!

Please find one person to play Close to 100 with you.

Here are the directions...

Here is the recording sheet...

When you are done, here is a fun game you can play as a reward...

It's perfect to go with all the snow we have! A little tip, on the third level click on the mammath (get it, mamMATH? Ha!) to slow him down.

Have fun and check back tomorrow!